Annual Community Shred and E-Waste Day
Your trash provider, Best Trash, in conjunction with MUD 367, will be conducting a Shred and E-Cycle Event this Saturday, March 1st from 9:30 am to 11:30 am for all residents of Gleannloch Farms at the Rec Center, 9420 Gleannloch Forest Drive. See attached flyer for details of what is acceptable and what will not be accepted.
Due to safety concerns, please be advised:
1- there will be NO PARKING at the tennis courts/Rec Center parking lot on Saturday morning, 3/1
2- there will be NO PARKING on Gleannloch Forest Drive in front of the tennis courts
3- we are unable to allow residents to park and watch documents shredded – we assure you all documents received from 9:30am-11:30am will be shredded on site
4- limit of 5 boxes per resident for shredding, see flyer for details
5- no televisions nor computer monitors will be accepted, see attached flyer for exclusions on electronics
February Food Truck Schedule
Check the Gleannloch Farms Community Calendar for Food Truck Menu.