Tennis Information

Tennis Court Usage Reminders

Limit court use to 90 minutes when there are residents waiting to play. Be courteous.
Courts are for residents and their guests only.
Check for any valuables that are left behind.
Keep trash in the trash bins, including cigarette butts.
Report maintenance issues to any member of the tennis committee.

Eliana Sumruld – Chair
Leticia Hemmerly – Co Chair

Brenda Blanchard – Treasurer
Liz Bartlett – Secretary
Rick Brega – Men’s League Coordinator
John Cavender – Tennis Calendar Coordinator
Clara Uribe – Social Activities Co-Coordinator

Gleannloch teams must be made of current residents, unlimited former residents and limited to three non residents per season. Contact a tennis committee member if interested in forming your own team.

Texas Jackrabbit League, Friday morning, women’s. Levels from Open to C level.  Gleannloch Coordinator is Cheryl Warren.

Northwest Tennis League.  Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings, Levels Champ, A and B Gleannloch contact Leslie Pelezo

Men’s League Evenings, level A and C  Gleannloch contact Rick Brega.

Join us on Facebook, Gleannloch Tennis. This is a voluntary managed community closed group on Facebook. It is not affiliated with the Community Association. Log onto Facebook, search Gleannloch Tennis, and select join group.
Please email for any tennis related items.